winLIFE Seminars and Workshops
(in German, English on request)
FKM Guidelines

The FKM Guideline is a guideline published by the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V. (FKM) for the mathematical strength verification of machine components and has become a quasi-standard. The aim of the seminar is to understand the structure of the FKM Guideline and to be able to apply it. The fatigue strength verification and the static strength verification for non-welded and welded components from the FKM Guideline will be covered. For a better understanding, examples from the FKM Guideline are recalculated, mainly using the winLIFE programme.
BASIC Seminar

To impart knowledge on fatigue life calculation of dynamically loaded components. This is done using the winLIFE software, but the knowledge imparted is generally valid and can be used without the use of this software. The theoretical basics of fatigue life analysis are covered and examples are calculated with winLIFE. This seminar is recommended for all new purchasers of winLIFE and all those who wish to familiarise themselves with computer-aided fatigue life calculation. Sufficient PCs will be available for the participants to carry out exercises.

To impart knowledge of fatigue life calculation of dynamically loaded components under multiaxial loading. The theoretical principles of multiaxial fatigue analysis are covered and examples are calculated using the winLIFE programme. Test results are available for all calculation examples performed, allowing the accuracy to be assessed.

Stochastic analysis is offered together with multibody dynamics as a 2-day in-house seminar.